

Our Founder Partner has more than 12 years of private professional practice and more than 20 years in the labor area, where he has focused and specialized in the field of Intellectual Property, especially with trademarks, patents, and copyrights. He has extensive experience in the following fields: Negotiation and Real Estate Law related to the development of residential projects such as vertical constructions; Banking, in aspects such as trusts and bank credits; Corporate Law; and, Hydrocarbons.
He has also worked as Legal Advisor of the Presidency of the Superior Court of Justice of the Republic of Guatemala, where he specialized in legal analysis of administrative cases and issuance of rulings and resolutions projects for the Presidency and General Management of the Judicial Branch. Also, he was in charge of the handling and resolution of administrative processes within the Supreme Court of Justice and the resolution of revision and repeal resources, constitutional guarantees (amparo), rules and international treaties, bills, tenders, and administrative contracts; as well as labor or administrative rulings and resolutions.
At the beginning of his career he worked for several law firms in Guatemala where he specialized in Trademark Law, Intellectual Property, and Corporate Law. He also worked as Legal Advisor and Notary for several multinational companies such as Productos Avon de Guatemala, S. A., Colgate-Palmolive, Seguros Panamericana, BAC Florida Bank, and Syngenta Lan, S. A., among others. Moreover, he was in charge of civil, commercial, administrative contentious (fiscal and trademarks areas), and criminal judicial proceedings; custom compensations; and, environmental administrative proceedings. He also specialized in the area of commercial and civil law related to contracts and all sorts of legal documents preparation, as well as processing Temporary and Permanent Residences, and work permits for foreign business people and executives.
Interview and newspaper article titled: “Leaving your mark with a Name” (“La huella se deja con un nombre”). Prensa Libre Newspaper, Economy and Entrepreneurs Section, May 1, 2012. Read the full interview here.
Interview by Prensa Libre Newspaper regarding the Importance of Registration of a Trademark for Small and Medium Companies, June 26, 2012.
University publication titled: “Collective Agreement as a Professional Law”.
Postgraduate publication titled: “Design of a Competitive Strategy for a Law Firm in the Law Services Market of Guatemala through identifying the key value chain links.
Publication of advisory opinion on the Arbitrary Process in Guatemala for the Magazine Estrategia & Negocios, May 2006.

NATIONALITY: Guatemalan.

ACADEMIC GRADE: Bachelor in Juridical and Social Sciences

PROFESSIONAL DEGREES: Attorney and Notary, Master in Business Administration (MBA) and Postgraduate Specialization in Business Law (Competence).


MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA), from Valparaíso de Chile University, Chile.


LICENCIATURA EN CIENCIAS JURÍDICAS Y SOCIALES, en la Universidad Francisco Marroquín de Guatemala.

BACHELOR IN JUDICIAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, from Francisco Marroquín University, Guatemala.

ATTORNEY AND NOTARY, from Francisco Marroquín University, Guatemala.

HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA, from Valle Verde High School, Guatemala.

• 2007 Seminar on Mandatory Clauses for the Creation of a Trust, Guatemala City, imparted by legal expert, PhD Carlos Dávalos from México
• 2004 Seminar on the Analysis of the Management-Disciplinary Process of the Judicial Branch.
• 2003 International Seminar on “Contracts of Business Collaboration” and “Joint Ventures”, imparted by Francisco Marroquín University and Pontificia
Bolivariana University of Colombia.
• 2002 Updating Seminar on Electronic Agreements and Electronic Signatures imparted by Del Istmo University.
• 2002 Seminar on Negotiation Skills and Techniques.
• 2001 Seminar on Offshore Entities, and Fiscal and Financial Planning Instruments.
• 2001 Seminar on Taxation Law and Taxation Code Amendments.
• 2001 Diploma for Notary-Law Studies, given by the Notary Law Institute, Guatemala
• 1999 Seminar on Banking and Stock Market, Studies on previous experiences of Colombia, Mexico, and Guatemala.
• 1999 Seminar on International Commercial Law, Guatemala.
• 1999 Seminar on Forensic Dentistry, Guatemala.
• Member of American Chamber of Commerce/Guatemala (AMCHAM).
• Member of the Intellectual Property Committee, AMCHAM.
• Member of the Bar Association in Guatemala since 2001.
• Founder Partner of the Law Firm Rivera-Córdova & Cordero.

• Intellectual Property.
• Negotiations.
• Commercial Law (Corporate Advising).
• Real Estate Law (Establishment of horizontal property regimes, Condominiums, parcels, land divisions, purchases-sells, easements, etc.)
• Trusts and Bank Credits
• Hiring
• Civil and Business Litigation
• Administrative Proceedings
• Negotiation
• Notary Services


Consultant and corporate legal advisor in several transnational, regional, and local companies in the areas of Commercial Law (preparation of identifiable and specific contracts), Administrative Law (administrative resources such as repeal, reposition, and contentious administrative), Civil Law, Notary Services (preparation and revision of regular and specific commercial contracts, mortgages, pledges and fiduciary credits, preparation and issuance of reports, and specific innominate contracts), and the management and process of administrative, civil, commercial, and constitutional litigations.
Within the advising and consultancy at a corporate level, he supports national and foreign companies such as Colgate Palmolive, Productos Avon, Warner Lambert Guatemala, Exmibal, among others.

NATIONALITY: Guatemalan.

ACADEMIC GRADE: Bachelor in Juridical and Social Sciences

PROFESSIONAL DEGREE: Attorney and Notary

BAR MEMBER: Number 3599


ACADEMIC GRADE: Bachelor in Juridical and Social Sciences

University Studies and Professional Degrees: Attorney and Notary – Faculty of Juridical and Social Sciences / Rafael Landivar University (1979-1983)

Elementary Education, Junior High School and High School: High School Diploma – Liceo Guatemala School (1968-1978).

Experience in management, proceedings, permits, licenses, files, contesting, and administrative resources, as well as several authorizations processes before public offices and departments of Guatemala, within the following areas: 

1) Tenders and administrative contracts 

2) Organization, constitution, authorization, and modification of national and foreign companies and business corporations, and their registrations before the General Commercial Registry of the Republic 

3) Custody of book of minutes and its corresponding preparation;

4) Proceedings for foreign executives before the General Department of Migration and Ministry of Labor; 

5) Procedures before the Registry of Property, Vital Statistics Office, General Commercial Registry of the Republic, and Municipality of Guatemala;

6) And before other entities and institutions from the Central Government and decentralized and autonomous entities; and

7) Constitution of foreign corporations.

Experience in administrative processes and files before departments and offices of the public administration, based on the relationships that several national or foreign companies have permanently with the State of Guatemala and with other decentralized or autonomous entities; among them: Intendancy of Special Verification (IVE), Ministry of Communication, Infrastructure and Housing, Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources; Ministry of Public Finances, General Department of Civil Aeronautics, Superintendency of Telecommunications, and Ministry of National Defense.


Professional experience: He has actively participated in the management and process of litigation related to Commercial, Civil, Administrative Contentious, and Constitutional Justice; participation that has strengthened from diverse activities and businesses with clients in several commercial operations.

The aforesaid mainly includes the following professional activities:

(a) To establish strategies in the corporate area setting certain goals on specific businesses; to propose and follow legal strategies and procedures; to prepare legal reports on different alternatives; to manage negotiations between parties; and, finally to prepare contracts based on agreements already made.

(b) Preparation of reports on procedural aspects or disagreements presented before the Court, establishing the backgrounds and applicable legislations, as well as the different alternatives and conclusions of the possible solutions of the cases.

(c) Management and handling of civil or commercial cases in ordinary proceedings, whether as petitioner or defendant (actions of unfair competition, damages and losses, resolutions for contract unfulfillment), summary proceedings (leasing, injunctions, collection actions, and legal proceedings about specific commercial contracts in the area of distribution, agency, and representation), legal executive proceedings and legal proceedings for debt collection. File of motions, defenses, common resources, resources of nullity, appeals, rectification of proceedings to request that a case be dismissed for lack of jurisdiction.

He has experience in legal consultancy for companies that need to implement commercial or services projects in their corporate development. Within this activity, his personal management has gain relevance within different authorities of the Central Government on several types of files and permits.

In the area of legal consultancy, I have legally advise diverse projects from local and foreign companies preparing and revising contracts of civil and commercial nature, preparing reports and making transactions related to commercial controversies for entrepreneurs in the manufacture, service and telecommunication areas.


JURIDICAL ADVISOR for the TELEPHONY DEVELOPMENT FUND (Fondo para el Desarrollo de la Telefonía), part of the Ministry of Communication, Infrastructure and Housing, and legal advisor of the Board of Administration of such institution in the area of telecommunications.

The activity in the public sector has included permanent legal advising to the General Management and Board of Administration of the Telephony Development Fund and the interaction with Legal Advisors and Directors of other public institutions, private operators, and international organizations, such as the Legal Coordination of the Ministry of Communication, Infrastructure and Housing; World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRD) and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB); as well as legal support for the implementation of the ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FROM RURAL SECTOR PROGRAM funded by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

Our legal advisors and team members

En nuestro Firma encontrará el apoyo profesional que busca, a través de un equipo de abogados especializados en las diferentes ramas del derecho que le ofrecerán asesoramiento legal más adecuado y la solución más eficaz a su problema. Todos los Socios somos abogados graduados en universidades de gran prestigio a nivel nacional e internacional y nos destacamos por nuestros antecedentes académicos, excelente formación profesional e idoneidad para brindar soluciones prácticas, económicamente viables y creativas.

Mario Estuardo Archila Maldonado LLM, MEV

NATIONALITY: Guatemalan.

ACADEMIC GRADE: Bachelor in Juridical and Social Sciences

PROFESSIONAL DEGREES: Attorney and Notary, Master of Laws, Master in Education of Values.

ACADEMIC GRADE: Bachelor in Juridical and Social Sciences



Bachelor of Laws (cum laude, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala) con amplia experiencia en franquicias e impuestos.

Bachelor in Juridical and Social Sciences and Attorney and Notary graduated from Francisco Marroquín University in Guatemala.

He has many years of experience and specialization in the area of Corporate and Real State Law, in the curse of time he has worked as Administrative Manager and Attorney for several companies related to the handling of real estate goods in all its variants. He has also worked as legal advisor for manufacturing companies of non-traditional products and real estate.

He has extensive experience in the administrative handling of Guatemalan companies which allows him to provide our clients with an accurate advising based on real operational needs for the development of a company in Guatemala.


NATIONALITY: Guatemalan.

ACADEMIC DEGREE: Bachelor of Law and Social Sciences



Bachelor of Laws, Lawyer and Notary Francisco Marroquín University of Guatemala.

Has many years of experience and expertise in the area of corporate and real estate law, and that over the years served in many companies as Administrative Manager and Lawyer in companies related to the management of real estate in all its variants. He has also served as an advisor to companies in non-traditional production and real estate.

He has extensive experience in administrative management of companies in Guatemala by allowing you to provide our customers accurate advice based on actual operational needs for the development of a company in Guatemala.

Rivera, Córdova & Cordero © 2025.